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- MDD-W as an indicator of dietary micro-nutrient adequacy for pregnant women (HTML - 14.4 KiB)
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on diet and nutrition outcomes (PDF - 2.2 MiB)
- COVID-19 in Guatemala: impact on diet and nutrition outcomes and policy responses (PDF - 1.5 MiB)
- COVID-19 in Ethiopia: impact on diet and nutrition outcomes and policy responses (PDF - 1.4 MiB)
- Evidence of impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on diet quality, food security and nutrition in low- and middle-income countries (PDF - 2.1 MiB)
- Review and analysis of a sample of national policies regarding nutrition (PDF - 608.2 KiB)
The impact of COVID-19 on diet quality, food security and nutrition in low and middle income countries: A systematic review of the evidence
(PDF - 564.3 KiB)
Fiorella Picchioni, Luis F. Goulao, Dominique Roberfroid,
Clinical Nutrition, 2021, ISSN 0261-5614, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2021.08.015
(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261561421003952) - Evidence needs to inform nutrition policies & programmes in East and West Africa and the Sahel (PDF - 1.6 MiB)
- Research protocol and analysis on the concept of evidence-informed policies (PDF - 1.2 MiB)
- Evidence-informed decision-making for better nutrition policies and programmes: halfway through the gate (PDF - 469.5 KiB)
- Using scientific evidence in the design of nutrition policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: widely acknowledged, poorly documented (PDF - 790.3 KiB)
- EC/INTPA InfoPoint conference: Evidence-informed decision making: Insights from the nutrition field (HTML - 50.1 KiB)
- Identifying good practice indicators to assess comprehensive school nutrition programmes (PDF - 1.2 MiB)
- Assessment of Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) as a proxy of dietary micro-nutrient adequacy among pregnant women in low- and middle-income countries (PDF - 1.4 MiB)
- How does Kenyan policy action for comprehensive school food and nutrition programmes compare with global recommendations? (PDF - 915.7 KiB)
- Towards a universal indicator of dietary diversity of all women? Preliminary validation of the MDD-W indicator for pregnant women (PDF - 1.1 MiB)
- Context-specific, system-strengthening and rights-based approach to school-based initiatives for healthy diets and good nutrition (PDF - 543.6 KiB)
- Monitoring & evaluation resources (HTML - 71 KiB)
- Drivers of anaemia persistence among children and women of reproductive age in the Sahel (PDF - 1000.2 KiB)
- Defining a dichotomous indicator for population-level assessment of dietary diversity among pregnant adolescent girls and women (PDF - 1.1 MiB)
- Mapping the extent of current implementation of comprehensive school food and nutrition programmes at school level in Kenya (PDF - 2.8 MiB)
- How does Kenyan policy action for comprehensive school food and nutrition programmes compare with global recommendations? (PDF - 397.8 KiB)
- EC/ INTPA InfoPoint conference: Promoting healthy diets through school meals interventions - European Commission (HTML - 68.7 KiB)
- NRF WEBINAR - Validating the Minimum Dietary Diversity Indicator across population groups (HTML - 11.2 KiB)
- Multiple micronutrient supplementation and the long-term child cognitive development (PDF - 1.1 MiB)
- Analysing pathways and potential of agri-food value chains to deliver nutrition impacts (PDF - 3 MiB)
- Mapping the extent of implementation of school food & nutrition interventions at policy and school levels in Kenya (PDF - 519.8 KiB)
- Agroecological food system and nutrition in Senegal (HTML - 11.2 KiB)
- Barriers to the use by SMEs of local ingredients in enriched foods (HTML - 11 KiB)
- Potential of local foods for enriching infant complementary feeding (HTML - 10.9 KiB)
- Nutrition-sensitivy of agri-food value chains (HTML - 12.5 KiB)
- Women’s empowerment in nutrition contexts (HTML - 12.9 KiB)
- School nutrition interventions in Kenya (HTML - 16.5 KiB)